Thursday, November 27, 2008

Forget the Turkey, Bring on the Presents

So how was your Thanksgiving? As for me, let's just put it this way: I definitely had to go up one pants size. Okay, so not really, but you get the picture. All of us probably eat more than we should during the holidays, but who's counting right? I do know one thing, you can burn around 150 calories per hour while bowling. I know it's not much, but it is definitely a start right? For more information on burning calories while bowling, visit this site.

In other news, our holiday hours from December and January are now posted on our website. Click here to view them.

That's Jared over there with the pants.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

Hey, we've all shared that same experience. It's about 5:30pm, Thanksgiving Day. The Cowboys have already won and the turkey is all gone. The traditional family games have already been played. Well, it looks like there is nothing else to do, so everybody packs up and goes home right? Not this year my friend. Come on over to PrimeTime and get ready for some more family fun. Yeah, of course we open. We open at 5:00pm that day actually.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Terrific, Tremendous, Truly Awesome Tuesdays!

Let's start by saying, you simply cannot beat this deal. No, you just can't beat it. Not at all. Ya see, with $10.00 Tuesdays you are in for quite. You get:
1 Bumper Car Ride
1 Lazer Tag Game
Unlimited Video Arcade games (not including redemption ticket games)

What you pay:
$10.00 (it's in the name [$10.00 Tuesdays])

Another smokin' deal from PT. Come enjoy this smokin' deal every Tuesday night, but only Tuesday night. You will not be dissappointed.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Years Bash!

The Bash is back. You loved it last year, and now... it's better than ever. Come on in on December 31st, 2008 anytime after 6:00pm and start your three hours of unlimited fun. This is one of your best promotions because you get to decide how much fun you want to have for one low price of $20.00.

Ring in the New Year PrimeTime style with three hours of unlmited fun at the New Years Bash!

Price of $20.00 does not include tax. No sharing cards; each person must purchase their own card. Unlimited fun does not include ticket redemption arcade games.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Do You Like Football?

Boy I do. Football is awesome. But since I am so froogle, I only have rabbit ears on my TV. Now since I like football, NFL football expecially, that means I am going to miss the Monday night and Thursday night games (since I don't have ESPN or the NFL Network). I am sure there are a few of you out there that have the same problem. Don't you worry now folks, I have the perfect solution. Come on out to PrimeTime and watch the game on one of our two projector screens, or one of our twelve HD LCD tvs. We will also pump the game audio over our speakers. It's really great, trust me.

Your gonna love watching the games as you bowl the night away. Don't forget to get in on the Free Stuff deal and enjoy a large pizza and $10 card.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Madness.... It's Mad

Do ya like to bowl. Do ya? Man I do. What's better than a good night of bowling? Well that's simple. There is only one thing that is better than a good night of bowling: a good night of cheap bowling. We aren't talking cheap quality, these Brunswick lanes are only one year old. The cheap I'm talking about is a cheap price.

So come on in to PrimeTime every Monday night and bowl 3 games for only $5.00. Oh, and what the heck, we will throw in the shoes for free. Recap: 3 games of bowling and shoes for only $5.00.

Now you can save up for that new bling you have your eye on.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So Here's the Deal

Let's get right down to it. Buy a large pizza and we will give you a large pizza AND a $10 arcade card. I know, it's like getting something for free. Have you tried our pizza yet? Well, you are in for quite a treat. Have you tried our arcade yet? My, my, my... It is quite a sight to behold, and lots of fun. Let's break this deal down here:

1 - 16" one topping Pizza for $12.99

1 - $10 arcade card for free

That means you are spending only $12.99 for $22.99 value. CHA-CHING!

This deal is great, but it may not be around long. Hurry in Monday-Thursday to experience this awesome deal. It's always great to get free stuff. Oh, by the way, if you want two free $10.00 arcade cards, just see what happens when you buy two large pizzas.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bowling Or Mini Golf

Tonight is the night we have all be waiting for. Tonight is the night that will chart our future. Tonight is the eve of a major question being answered. As I sit here, I ponder what is to come as we make a decision that will change the world. This decision is only made once every four years, and rightfully so judged by the weight of the issue. The question: Bowling, or Mini Golf?
Let's review the candidates:

It seems like good ol' Bowling has been around forever. Of course, Bowling has seen its better days, but hey, it's making a comeback. Just knock down all of the pins and you are on your way to a win. Much technique is required.
Mini Golf

The relative new kid on the block. While Bowling has been around for ages, Mini Golf was first documented in 1912. The idea is simple. Hit the ball in the hole using fewer strokes than your opponent. Make sure and study your course wisely.

These two candidates are pretty easy to understand. They are straight shooting and transparent. What you see is what you get. They aren't going to twist their words, and they won't break their promises. Well, because they can't talk, and they can't promise. I know it is very difficult to chose, but really, either way you go, it's a win-win situation.

But don't just passively sit around. Go ahead and choose. You have the power. Get out there and vote!