Tonight is the night we have all be waiting for. Tonight is the night that will chart our future. Tonight is the eve of a major question being answered. As I sit here, I ponder what is to come as we make a decision that will change the world. This decision is only made once every four years, and rightfully so judged by the weight of the issue. The question: Bowling, or Mini Golf?
Let's review the candidates:
It seems like good ol' Bowling has been around forever. Of course, Bowling has seen its better days, but hey, it's making a comeback. Just knock down all of the pins and you are on your way to a win. Much technique is required.
Mini Golf
The relative new kid on the block. While Bowling has been around for ages, Mini Golf was first documented in 1912. The idea is simple. Hit the ball in the hole using fewer strokes than your opponent. Make sure and study your course wisely.

These two candidates are pretty easy to understand. They are straight shooting and transparent. What you see is what you get. They aren't going to twist their words, and they won't break their promises. Well, because they can't talk, and they can't promise. I know it is very difficult to chose, but really, either way you go, it's a win-win situation.
But don't just passively sit around. Go ahead and choose. You have the power. Get out there and vote!