Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bowling is Captivating

Have you read this article: http://www2.tbo.com/content/2009/sep/21/undercover-drug-investigators-embarrass-polk-sheri/?

Here's the short version:

Cops are serving a search warrant on a house. They find what they are looking for, but they also find Wii Bowling. They absolutely cannot resist.

"While some detectives hauled out evidence such as flat screen televisions and shotguns, others threw strikes, gutter balls and worked on picking up spares."

Bowling is just irresistible. Even Wii bowling (even though it's not the real thing).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are you ready for some football?

Don't forget that PrimeTime is a great place to watch football games. Me personally, I have rabbit ears on my TV. So that means no Monday night football (since it shows on ESPN). I love working Monday nights though! We have seven 42" HDTVs over our lanes, and two more 32" HDTVs in our snack bar seating area. Like to play pool or shuffleboard? We also have a 32" HDTV in the billiard room.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome Back!

Did everyone have a lovely summer break? Well here at PrimeTime, summer is definitely not a break for us. Of course we had a blast though!

Now that we are getting back into a routine, let's talk bowling leagues/clubs.

We have a variety of leagues and clubs that start next week. So, are you ready to get started? Click here for the league schedule.